2.6 Digital data. Notwithstanding the contrary provisions of the agreement (including this data protection authority), the Customer recognizes that DigitalOcean has the right to use and/or disclose data related to the operation, support and/or use of services for legitimate business purposes such as billing, account management, technical assistance, product development and marketing and marketing. To the extent that this data is considered personal data in accordance with data protection legislation, DigitalOcean processes this data in accordance with data protection legislation. Contact information: The Kreditor receives and uses contact information (name, email, title, phone, address) for customer staff for billing purposes. The creditor may also receive contact information from our client`s employees if these employees address the customer`s client organization and ask for help in case of product problems. Metadata: In certain circumstances and only after the customer can provide network access to the vendor`s support engineers or professional services team or transmit selected package entry data (including metadata) to the provider`s support team, so that the provider has access to package-related metadata that transits through the customer`s network only to provide support or service. This metadata may contain domain, file or user names and may contain personal data according to the name conventions used by the sender of the package to which the metadata relates. c. If the data exporter intends to suspend the transfer of personal data and/or terminate the relevant parties in the services, it endeavours to inform the data importer and give the data importer a reasonable period of time to authorize non-compliance (“Cure Period”). 3. The data importer immediately informs the data exporter of the existence of applicable legislation or a subcontract that prevents the data importer from being tested or subcontracted in accordance with paragraph 2. In this case, the data investigator has the authority to take the measures in point 5 (b). `standard contractual clauses`, the standard contractual clauses adopted in accordance with the European Commission`s decision of 5 February 2010 on standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to subcontractors based in third countries, in accordance with Directive 95/46/EC.