The reference list provides readers with a reliable way to identify and locate the works cited in a document. APA-style documents usually contain reference lists, not bibliographies. Information relating to works on a reference list is dealt with in sections 2.12 and 8.4 of the JPA Publication Manual, the seventh edition of the text agreement and the reference list: APA Style requires that all sources cited in the text be recorded in the reference list, with the exception of personal communications such as unpublished letters, memoranda and informal electronic communications (APA 6.20); and ancient classical works and religious texts systematically numbered on all editions (APA 6.18). Reference citation in text: The APA Style system for citing sources usually contains the author`s last name and publication date in parentheses in the text of the document. In text notes in parentheses, traditional footnotes replace footnotes or final notes. The purpose of this guide is to give students a fundamental introduction to the APA citation style (6th edition), including text citation and the establishment of reference lists. APA Style is often used by scientific publishers in behavioral and social sciences. 3 Inaccurate, inconsistent basic citation styles. Table 6.1, p. 177, illustrates the basic styles. “and” vs” ” use of “et al.” Two or more works in the same parentheses “order alphabetically in the same order in which they appear in the reference list” (section 6.16, p. 177) 6 Precision of citation format in the False list: Baker Miller, J.

(1991). The development of women`s self-esteem. Women`s growth associated. V. Jordan, J. Baker Miller, I.P. Striver, and J.L. Surrey Ed.

Guilford, New York. 27.11. Correct: Baker-Miller, J. (1991). The development of women`s self-esteem. In V. Jordan, J. Baker-Miller, I.P. Striver, &J.L. Surrey (eds.), Women`s growth in connection (pp. 11-27).

New York, Ny: Guilford. Reference list: The reference list at the end of the document documents the literature cited in the document by providing the information necessary for the identification and consultation of each source. Note that a list of references differs from a bibliography by containing only the works actually cited, which are actually cited in the work. For more details, including acceptable abbreviations, the version to be cited and the order of references, see sections 6.22 to 6.25 of the APA Publication Manual (6th edition, pp. 180-183). 5 Make sure things such as years and author names are accurate and match between in-text citations and reference lists. years (z.B. Mott, 1997 in the text; Mott, 1999 in RL) Spelling of authors` names (e.g.B. Kearny in the text, Kearney in RL) In general, every work cited in the text must be on the reference list and every work in the reference list must be cited in the text. Check your work carefully before submitting your manuscript or course task to ensure that no work cited in the text is missing from the reference list and vice versa, with only the following exceptions.

There are certain types of works that are not in a reference list….